Current Weather Info for the Trimble, MO and Smithville Lake area

Information last updated at 09:00 on 13 April 2024.
The current temperature is 58.9°F. Yesterday at this time it was 57.7°F. The wind is blowing at a Light air from the SE at 3.0 mph and gusting to 10.0 mph. The wind chill is 58.9°F. The barometric pressure is 29.967 and Falling at -0.006 in./hr. The dew point is 45.0°F creating a Relative Humidity of 60%. Rainfall so far today is 0.00 in. with 0.00 in. in the last hour and 0.00 in. during the last 24 hours.

Click on any of the thumbnail images for more detailed info:

Radar Missouri satellite Trimble, MO Webcam SPC Activity

EAX Weather Story Trimble, MO Lightning Map

Local 7-day forecast. Click for forecasts from additional sources:

Trimble, Missouri, weather forecast

Forecasted rainfall amount for the next 24 hours:

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